Prince Harry claims father King Charles ‘fell asleep’ while working in new Megxit memoir

Prince Harry has made comments about King Charles’ hardworking attitude in his latest Megxit memoir. The Duke of Sussex even claimed his father fell asleep while working.

These are among the several revelations he made in the book about his life in the Royal Family.

He wrote that often he and Prince William would “find him at his desk amid mountains of bulging post bags”.

Harry continued: “More than once, we discovered him, face on the desk, fast asleep.

“We would shake his shoulders and up he would bob, a piece of paper stuck to his forehead.”

He argued that it is no way to treat a man who is simply sniffing every letter he has received before replying.

There are many personal details revealed about the King that he probably does not want out there, including his love for his teddy bear and headstand routine.

The 38-year-old also shared how Charles dealt with suddenly becoming a single parent.

He wrote: “He would always give an air of being not quite ready for parenthood—the responsibilities, the patience, the time.

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“He never forgot that I didn’t like the dark, so he’d gently tickle my face until I fell asleep.

“I have the fondest memories of his hands on my cheeks, my forehead, then waking to find him gone, magically, the door always considerately left open a crack.” has approached Buckingham Palace for comment. – ChatGPT autoblogging and content curation plugin for WordPress

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